Her Name Was Europa: Impossible Image of Non-existent Animal. Interview with Ojoboca
The filmmaking duo Anja Dornieden and Juan David González Monroy is based in Berlin. They make films and film performances that would be …
Sofia Art Week 2020: If you were to do something for the very last time, what would you do?
When I first met curator and artist Voin de Voin at Æther, a gallery situated in a leafy street in Sofia’s city centre, at the end of the…
Filming life: Rebecca Salvadori on her music films and her poetic attitude
Rebecca Salvadori is an Italian-Australian video artist based in London. She is deeply connected to the world of music: her “Rave Trilogy…
Towards a Natural History of Logistics: Jussi Parikka on Operational Images and the Need to Think Big
Professor Jussi Parikka is currently heading a project at Prague’s FAMU entitled “Operational Images and Visual Culture: Media Archaeolog…
Extrodæsia encyclopedia: navigating in an anthropocentrism-transcending world
A strong urge to democratise brought the extrodæsia encyclopedia to life: while philosophy, social sciences, literature, and the fine art…
Machinic Leviathan
“… knowledge itself disintegrates into the information generated by fully automated calculation, and into fixed capital, which, along wit…
Vuk Ćosić
There are certainly not many people around who have personally witnessed the birth of a new artistic movement. Vuk Ćosić can say he has, …